The secret to stop overthinking

The problem happens often. In contrast to the living right before 100 years, way to much.

Sebastian Wolf
5 min readJul 29, 2021
Typical way of overthinking

Hell yeah, that’s the point. You caught yourself overthinking a determinate situation. Maybe you realized that your brain asked you questions. Created possibilities of upcoming situations which are too far-fetched. May, you get nervous, become anxious or anything else. If yes, then you have felt the dark power of overthinking.

What exactly is overthinking?

The short definition is, that overthinking describes a situation, in which you’re thought about something way for too long or too much.
Sounds either good or bad. Doesn’t it? But that’s the point.

In some points, overthinking sounds good. But it often stops you from achieving your goals.

Let me explain the repercussions of overthinking with the help of a true story:

The big magician Houdini once said, that he could break out of every jail cell in the world if he gets arrested with his street clothes on.

“I’ll be out there in one hour”

he said. One prison heard Houdini and they accepted the challenge. On the day Houdini gets arrested, many…



Sebastian Wolf

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